New Purposes to Connect
September. New course. New projects. New plans. Or maybe take up the ones we left pending. With a new focus. With enthusiasm. Because if every day is a blank page, every September is a book to rewrite and invent. Not only children resume their daily chores after the school break, but also adults, who, after a period of disconnection, have to start again with new objectives. Because this is September. The start of “a new year”, a new period.
There are many researchers and scientists who, through various studies, confirm the need to take this summer break, regardless of our age. Work, family, tasks and day-to-day activities lead to stressful situations that can end up absorbing us and affecting our body and our relationships. To combat this phenomenon, which is increasingly widespread from an early age, due to the mistaken belief that not doing things is a failure, we must work on three areas of action. By doing so, we will gradually feel calm and peace and we will be more relaxed.
Firstly, physical exercise. Playing, practising any sport, walking in nature or dancing are activities that release dopamine, serotonin and endorphins and take stress away from our body, giving us a pleasant sensation.
Secondly, we must not forget the activation of our cognitive side. September, along with January, is the month chosen to start studying a subject, courses in photography, drawing, languages, music, … there are those who decide to start a collection and deepen it into a concrete passion. All of this not only contributes to learning something new, but it has also been proven to be the best way to avoid cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.
And, last but not least, socialising with friends, family, neighbours or even strangers, in the park with the dog, in the street, in the supermarket… Because it is important to forge bonds, and if possible, to make them long-lasting. We must always have the right people nearby to support, to look after, to provide security.
And within all these activities, it is essential to practice mindfulness, mindfulness and keep screens away from our environment.
These are our tasks for the new course. And they are no small thing.