The Importance Of Biophilia
Next Thursday, December 3, at 16:30 h we will present, virtually, the manual ′′Lugares Públicos de estancia con carácter biofílico”, the work of Doctor Architect, Inés Pernas and the fruit of the collaboration between the Universidade da Coruña and Galopín Playgrounds. This presentation is part of the webinar ′′Diálogo sobre la importancia de la biofilia′′ organized jointly by the Cluster da Madeira e o Deseño de Galicia and the Cluster Saúde de Galicia, with the collaboration of XERA – Axencia da Industria Forestal. Professionals from different disciplines will treat the importance of biophilia for the health and well-being of people, at a time when we’ve been more aware than ever of the value of being in contact with natural environments. We are waiting for you!