The Intrinsic Value of Audits and Certifications
At Galopín Playgrounds we work hand in hand with experts to create safe, quality spaces and comply with the relevant regulations. Entities such as TÜV SÜD, a leading international provider of high quality, safety and sustainability solutions, specialised in testing, inspection, audits, certification, technical assistance and training, with extensive experience over the last 150 years, with more than 25,000 employees in 1,000 locations worldwide, and accreditations in Europe, America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, offers objective solutions adding tangible value to companies, consumers and the environment, is in charge of product certifications.
All our products comply with the European certifications EN-1176:2017 for playground equipment and surfaces; EN-16630:2015 for fixed outdoor fitness equipment; EN16899:2016 for sports and recreational equipment. Parkour equipment. Safety requirements and test methods; EN-15312:2007/A1:2010, Equipment for open access sports; EN-14974:2019 for Facilities for users of wheeled sports equipment and PPP-55021A for Dog tracks; all issued by the TÜV Product Service. In addition, at Galopín we have been pioneers in self-imposing DIN 33942:2016 as a quality standard and as a basic rule for our work in the design of universal elements; this has helped us to have a very broad catalogue of references, both of officially certified games by this standard, as well as others in which all children can participate, which amply meet the requirements of this standard.
For its part, DNV GL, independent experts in assurance and risk management, and one of the leading global providers of accredited management system certification with a broad portfolio of services in management system certification and related services, has given us and continues to give us the assurance, advice and confidence in the implementation and renewal of the Integrated Management System, carried out due to our willingness and commitment to Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and R&D&I.
Environmental Performance
The implementation of an environmental management system according to UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015/A1 2024 in which the life cycle of the services we provide is taken into account, implies that:
- Inputs and outputs are considered in all environmental processes.
- The environmental aspects and impacts that occur in our activity are periodically assessed.
- There is a system in place to update environmental legal requirements and ensure compliance with them.
- Through the environmental operational control established, legal compliance is ensured and environmental impacts and aspects are kept within an acceptable order of magnitude.
- If any type of environmental accident occurs, environmental emergency protocols are put in place.
- Audits are planned and carried out to ensure compliance with system requirements. Galopín Playgrounds has information on environmental performance available to interested parties on request. To do so, please send an e-mail to, indicating the environmental data required and the reason for the request.
Quality Policy
The design and implementation of an Integrated Management System in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety) and UNE 166002 (R&D&I) Standards, has meant for us the acquisition of the following commitments:
- Creating a structured organisation, in which actions, functions and responsibilities are perfectly defined, documented and communicated.
- Allocating the human and financial resources necessary for the correct development of the processes.
- Complying with the legal requirements and regulations applicable in environmental and Occupational Health and Safety matters.
- Optimising the consumption of natural resources and raw materials necessary for the processes.
- Adopting the necessary measures for the protection of the environment, to avoid or minimise environmental impacts.
- Providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and health deterioration; and to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to health and safety at work.
- Consulting and encourage worker participation in occupational safety and health matters.
- Reviewing periodically the Integrated Management System in order to, within the framework of the commitment to the search for continuous improvement, establish objectives and goals aimed at achieving an increase in customer satisfaction, the prevention of environmental pollution and the prevention of Occupational Health and Safety derived from the development of the activities.
- Promoting the training and motivation of work groups.
- Being permanently alert to the technological innovations that occur in its environment.
- Disseminating these commitments to all levels of the organisation, customers, suppliers and the general public.