Legal Notice
This legal notice sets out the general conditions regulating access to and use of the website, (hereinafter, “the website” or ” forum “), which GALOPÍN PLAYGROUDS, S.L. makes freely available to participants and registered users.
To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society and electronic commerce services, the ownership data for the website and general information is given below.

Business name: GALOPÍN PLAYGROUNDS, S.L. (hereinafter, “GALOPÍN”, “the Company” or “the Administrator”).
Registered Office: Pol. O Acevedo, Parcela A, 15185, Cerceda, A Coruña
CIF (VAT number): B15640469
Inscription in the register: Registro Mercantil de A Coruña, tomo 2032, folio 215, hoja C-0052 (A Coruña Companies Register, volume 2032, folio 215, page C-0052).
Email address:
Telephone number: (+34) 981 688 070
Conditions of use of the forum service
1.- Purpose
The purpose of these conditions of use is the provision of the Forum service, a private virtual space where the Forum participants (the “Participants”) exchange opinions and make requests or queries to the Administrator. The forum service allows users registered in GALOPÍN (the “Authorised Users”) access to commercial information; that is, to products, services and procedures that may be subject to the Company’s intellectual property, and therefore this information is confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties without the express authorisation of the Company.
Hereafter, joint reference will be made to the Participants and the Authorised Users, together, as the “Users”.
GALOPÍN reserves the right to offer or refuse this service to the Users based on the relationships they have and the agreements they have reached. These Conditions of Access will apply to both Participants and Authorised Users.
The Administrator may unilaterally and without prior notice, whenever it deems appropriate, change the structure and design of the website, as well as change or eliminate the forum service, the contents and its conditions of access and/or use.
2.- The website legal notice
The Users understand and acknowledge that, in addition to these conditions of use, the Legal Notice, Conditions of Use, Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy apply to them and are accessible through the Administrator’s website, and that the latter may change them at any time. It is the Users’ responsibility to periodically check if changes have been made to the conditions of use.
3.- Definitions
For the purposes of the provisions of these Conditions of Use, the following terms are defined:
Administrator: GALOPÍN PLAYGROUNDS, S.L. is the owner and administrator of the “forum service”.
Service: The GALOPÍN forum service, which is the subject of these Conditions of Use, as described in its Clause 2.
Participant: The individual who uses the forum as an Authorised User or as a Participant designated by the Authorised User.
Authorised User: The entity, organisation or individual that receives the Forum Service and who is authorised by the Company to use it.
Protected Contents: The collection of creations, works or inventions protected by the legislation on Intellectual and Industrial Property, as well as information, in any form, that the Administrator uses for the construction and updating of the website which is made available to Users.
For illustrative purposes only, and without limitation, the photographs and industrial designs of GALOPÍN’s products, trademarks, trade names, and in general products or procedures owned by the Company are considered to be Protected Contents.
Participant’s Content: Content contributed or generated by the Users during their participation in the forum service.
Confidential Information: Non-public information, especially that obtained from the forum service itself, that the Administrator identifies as confidential. It will include all results, work, tasks, data, communications, material, information or other content, compiled, prepared or made available by the Company or by any member belonging to GALOPÍN. It will also include all personal data and, likewise, it will be understood that any content that is provided in the forum service, or is downloaded from it, consists of “Confidential Information”.
Intellectual property rights: This term includes all intellectual and industrial property rights.
4.-Conditions of use
The use of the Forum implies full acceptance by the User of these Conditions of Use, therefore, any person who does not agree with its contents may not use the Forum.
5.- Obligations of the parties:
Specific Obligations of Users
To adopt the relevant security measures to prevent unauthorised disclosure of Confidential Information that may be made known to them through the forum service and that belongs to GALOPÍN.
To communicate and enforce this duty of secrecy to all those people in your organisation who have access to Confidential Information.
To immediately notify the Administrator of any case of unauthorised access, use, or disclosure of Confidential Information of which they become aware.
Use the forum service for the purpose for which it was designed and in accordance with these conditions of use. Remember that, in accordance with the foregoing, Users are solely responsible for the content they publish and, therefore, they are obliged to respect the current regulations and, particularly, the fundamental rights and public freedoms and the intellectual property rights of third parties.
By using the service offered, Users accept that the Forum Administrator is solely responsible for its management and, in particular, that they moderate the published content, reserving the right to remove any content that they consider to be contrary to the law or to their own or third parties’ interests.
Users are not authorised to use the forum service to provide content that may include the personal data of third parties without their prior express consent. In that event, that content will be deleted by the Administrator as soon as it is detected. Under no circumstances is it to be understood that by accessing the forum there is a contract for the processing of personal data between the Administrator and the Participants/Authorised Users.
Not to use the Forum to carry out activities contrary to the Law, to ethics, to the public order in general and to make lawful and honest use of it in accordance with the Conditions of Use, as well as to refrain from any act that could damage, render useless, overload or degrade the forum, or prevent its normal use or its use by other users.
Not to post any type of slander, libel, defamation or abuse to another member of the forum, to Society nor to anyone outside the forum, nor any legal or other type of threat.
Not to distribute, receive, access or transmit any content that is obscene, pornographic, threatening, racist, sexist, inappropriate, offensive or defamatory, or, that in the opinion of the Company, is disagreeable.
Specific Obligations of the Administrator
To adopt the Appropriate security measures to establish and maintain access controls for Users.
To use the forum service for the purpose for which it was designed and in accordance with these Conditions of Use.
The Administrator is a company that provides information society services, which implies that it is not responsible for the information generated or provided by Users that is hosted at their request on its website.
The Administrator will verify that the content published by the Users is not contrary to the current Spanish legislation or to the Conditions of Use through the moderation of their content (to be carried out by the Administrator or by any person designated for that purpose). In addition, they will set up a notification procedure for Users to provide information about content so that it can be revised or deleted through email
6.- Registration, user validation and management of access security
To provide the forum service, the Registered User will notify the Administrator in writing of the list of people to whom access is to be provided as Participants. For each Participant, they will provide:
Their given name(s) and family name(s)
The name of the entity or organisation for which they work.
Their Email address.
This information will allow the Administrator to assign each Participant a password and a username.
User validation
To use the forum service, Users must accept these Conditions of Use for the forum and validate themselves with the password and username assigned to them by the Administrator each time they access the forum. After the first connection, the system will ask the user to change the password to one of their choice, not known to the Administrator. If the authorised user forgets their password, they may request a new password from the user, initiating the process of changing the password again, at the discretion of the Authorised User. Since their access is protected by a password, the Authorised User is under an obligation not to disclose it to any other person.
Acceptance of the user
The acceptance of the terms and conditions of these Conditions of Access occurs on completion of the process of the first password change that the Authorised User must make on first connecting, in accordance with the procedure described above.
The Administrator will make available to the Users a copy of the Conditions of Access via a permanent link.
Access security management
The Users agree to do everything in their power to prevent the unauthorised transmission of the passwords and agree to assume full responsibility for all activities carried out using these passwords.
Limitation of liability
Access to the forum does not imply any obligation on the part of GALOPÍN to verify the veracity, accuracy and timeliness of the information provided.
Access to the forum does not imply any obligation on the part of GALOPÍN to check for the absence of malware and/or any harmful component on the website or server that provides it. Under all circumstances it is the User’s responsibility to have available suitable technical security tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.
GALOPÍN does not guarantee nor is it responsible for the endurance of the forum contents. Therefore, the services provided through this website may be suspended or cancelled at any time by the Company, which is not responsible for damage caused to third parties.
The Company is not liable for any damage or loss of any kind that may arise as a result of or during or in connection with the use of the forum by users.
7.- Suspension and termination of the service
The Administrator reserves the right to cease, interrupt or deny access to the forum for technical or organisational reasons of any kind, including, for example, for improvements and maintenance or replacement of the software used to provide the Service. In this regard, Users acknowledge that the Administrator may cease, interrupt or deny access to the forum at any time, without the right to hold the Company liable for these acts.
At any time, any of the Parties, at their sole discretion, may terminate the service by notifying the other party in writing with a notice period of at least seven (7) calendar days.
In any event, GALOPÍN reserves the right to cancel, without prior notice, the access of any Participant or Registered User to the forum.
8.- Applicable legislation and jurisdiction
These Conditions of Use will be governed by current Spanish legislation.
Any conflict or issue arising from the interpretation of these Conditions of Use of the forum will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of A Coruña, expressly waiving any other forum that may correspond to the parties involved.
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