Summer, Summer, Summer

Summer has arrived and we have freed our children from school charges. Although many times for parents these dates bring numerous headaches as they have to take options to manage their children’s free time, it is true that holidays are necessary, and for our little ones even more. Currently, during the course they do marathon days of more than 12 hours due to the urgent need and the maelstrom in which we are involved, to keep constantly busy. Without giving them time to play. Without giving them time to get bored. Without giving them time to have fun. If for us adults, it is essential to rest and gather strength, for them much more, because their capacity for development and personal growth is at stake. You have to let them play and disconnect. Summer is perhaps the most propitious time of the year to do it, because of the fact that the course ends and with it all the tasks programmed for months. It is also usually the time when adults have rest days, which means that we can enjoy quality time together.


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