Playing Is Important
Taking advantage of the end of classes and the arrival of the summer holidays, we want to insist again in the importance of play in children life. Many studies have supported it for decades and this is stated in the article 31 in the Human Rights Convention in 1989; the pandemic has only been a wake-up call and a reminder about it.
Playing should preferably take place outdoors, in a natural environment, because this is the innate hábitat to the human being and that makes our brain to release endorphins, producing well-being and happiness. Also, the brain is by nature curious and loves novelty, and with play it encourages both skills. Playing is mainly used for children to develop both their physical and emotional abilities and capacities. From psychomotor skills and cognitive development, to personal relationships, empathy or self-control.
Furthermore, they take on challenges and risks in a controlled environment, which avoids any type of dangerous situation and allows them to improve themselves and increase their self-esteem; they know perfectly how far they can go, what challenges are assumable (this is the main reason for the survival of the human species), giving them the basis to apply that knowledge in real life and in the future. And in the hypothetical case of making a mistake, these errors serve them as learning.
It is also important that a part of the game that takes place alone exists, which will allow the child to experience his most introspective and creative side, but also know the feeling of being bored, something that is essential for him to learn. Play with children of all ages fosters relationships, agreements, negotiations and healthy rivalry, making connections with the norms in society in real life. But it is also important to share the play with parents, as long as they respect children’s imagination and give them freedom, since these moments can be used to materialize everyday situations that help them to know the world through play.
In conclusion, playing is an indispensable task for children (if not the most important), from the earliest childhood to adolescence, which will turn them into responsible, resilient and safe adults who know how to relate in society. So let’s not deprive them of that right … in summer, let’s all feel like children sharing their games with them.