Our Commitment to TÜV Safety Standards and Certifications

At Galopín Playgrounds, safety is a commitment embedded in every stage of our process, from the initial conception of the sketch to the final installation of our playgrounds in communities around the world.

Our team of design and manufacturing experts work closely with entities such as TÜV Product Service, subjecting each component, from materials to the final structure, to rigorous testing and analysis. This meticulous approach allows us to ensure that our parks not only meet, but exceed, the most demanding safety regulations.

All our products comply with the European certifications EN-1176:2017 for Equipment for play areas and surfaces; EN-16630:2015 on Fixed physical training equipment installed outdoors; EN-15312:2010, Free access sports equipment; EN-14974:2010 on Facilities for users of wheeled sports equipment and PPP-55021A for Dog Circuits; all of them issued by the TÜV Product Service. Furthermore, at Galopín we have been pioneers in self-imposing the DIN 33942 standard as a quality standard and as a basic norm for our work in the design of universal elements; This has helped us to have a very extensive catalog of references, both of games officially certified by this standard, as well as others in which all children can participate, which broadly comply with the requirements of this standard.

Furthermore, TÜV certification is not an end point, but rather a continuous step in our commitment to constant improvement. We conduct regular internal audits, incorporate technological advancements and innovative materials, and constantly evaluate our practices to ensure our parks remain leaders in safety and quality.

Why is this essential? Because we understand that childhood is a precious time full of discovery and adventure, and that is why we design our play spaces to encourage that exploration safely. The trust in our equipment on the part of those who use it, parents, caregivers, suppliers, distributors, different organizations and in general the end customer is our greatest reward and responsibility.

Our commitment is not limited to certification; It’s a mindset ingrained in our corporate DNA. From selecting durable, resilient materials to implementing innovative designs that stimulate the imagination, every aspect of our parks reflects an unwavering commitment to safety and quality. But always from a sustainable point of view.

We are proud to be able to work hand in hand with the TÜV Product Service, but even more so, we are proud to be able to offer communities around the world play spaces that not only meet standards, but exceed expectations, providing moments of safe and valuable fun. . experiences.

Do you want to know more about how we guarantee safety in our play spaces or about our good practices? We’re here to answer your questions and share more about our passionate approach to child safety at play!


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