Freedom When Playing

Interesting article on the blog in which the issue of freedom in play and the challenges that this entails is discussed. This is to play in its purest version, “without instructions”. Years ago, I read for the first time a document that had been written in a country more advanced than ours, about the fact that playing is the basis of freedom. This conception made me rethink many ideas that we all have about what playing is, what it should consist of; this question even became an obsessive topic for me, to the point that as an adult I founded a playground company, in which one of our fundamental principles is the free play. That essay that I read and that marked me so much, I reflected, laying on the table, aspects that seemed very important to me to train responsible adults. Among them, that the child can play or not, according to his will; join the game or leave it at will; that playing must serve so that they learn to lose and also to win; that, when playing, they voluntarily accept the rules and therefore there is nothing more reprehensible than players who do not keep their word or cheat … If we transfer this to adults society, the rules of the game become the law and therefore it is very good that we learn from childhood that law is the basis of coexistence. That is why I think it is very appropriate to associate freedom with children’s play and, on the contrary, everything that is directed or simply oriented, evokes authoritarianism or manipulation.

This article that we share today on our blog, reminded me of that other one from the past. On one hand, when I read it, I smiled at the thought that our trail continued on the right path … More and more of us share the same values ​​when it comes to thinking about future, respectful and judicious societies; on the other hand, I felt a certain sadness when I understood that, if these issues continue to be in vogue, it means that we must remain in the fight.

Now that a new course begins and, once again, we must make clean slate, I would like us to all try to consider how we want to educate our children today, those who will be the adults of tomorrow. I really trust that if we reflect on it and each of us contribute a little bit, we can achieve it.



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