Playing Is Important

Playing Is Important

Playing Is Important Taking advantage of the end of classes and the arrival of the summer holidays, we want to insist again in the importance of play in children life. Many studies have supported it for decades and this is stated in the article 31 in the Human Rights...
Giving Voice To Children

Giving Voice To Children

Giving Voice To Children In this occasion, we want to pay tribute to one of our leading authors, Francesco Tonucci, Italian psycopedagogue or, as he says, “childgogue”, who has dedicated his entire life to childhood and education. With his drawings, in which he...
My Dog Mambo Goes To The Park

My Dog Mambo Goes To The Park

My Dog Mambo Goes To The Park I grew up in a village next to my grandmother’s house, that had a farm, and it was there that I developed my unconditional love for animals. Dogs have always been my favorites, by far, and I have tried to keep them around my entire...
The Relationship Between Exercise And Our Health

The Relationship Between Exercise And Our Health

The Relationship Between Exercise And Our Health In recent years, numerous studies have shown the close relationship between sport, diet and health. Our ancestors had much fewer health problems caused by sedentary lifestyle; healthier meals, more physical works, fewer...
Free Play And Pedagogy In Playgrounds

Free Play And Pedagogy In Playgrounds

Free Play And Pegagogy in Playgrounds Surfing the internet, we have discovered a Canadian company dedicated to playground spaces: Jambette. On its website you can find a lot of information about free play; highlights a downloadable publication about this concept that...
Risks In The Playground

Risks In The Playground

Risks In The Playground We’d like to present a thesis by Stephen J. Smith who, like many other authors and pedagogues, talks about the relationship between risk and children in play. The prologue of “Risk and Our Pedagogical Relation To Children On The...